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Lot 5 - SRS MISS LACY 482/8

High bid
5 years 27 weeks 2 days 3 hours 16 min ago
Lot Information:
Lot 5 - SRS MISS LACY 482/8
Show Heifer Prospect
"NOBLE" +MR. V8 458/7
BW: 2.9 WW: 18.9 YW: 30.0

We are selling our best in this sale and this is verified by us offering SRS Miss Lacy 482/8.  She without question offers the most proven pedigree of any in this sale. As most students of the breed we have realized that the “Golden Cross” is the Elmo line on +Mr. V8 380/6.  Fortunately for us we have been able to use one of the best sons of +JDH Mr. Elmo Manso, +Mr. V8 458/7 “Noble”, who has impacted the breed more in the past two years with his offspring winning more and selling for more dollars than any other sire.  You know the story of “Noble” but to compliment this respective package the dam to 482/8 is equally impressive. We purchased 892/7 from V8 Ranch with the intent of crossing with “Noble”, she calved before her third birthday and is now one of our featured donors.  To further add to her value 892/7 is a maternal granddaughter of the breed icon (+)JDH Sir Liberty Manso and is dark pigmented as can be seen in the attractive “red tinge” of her daughter. Not only is 482/8 backed by one of the most proven pedigrees in the breed but she is “broody” in her appearance being deep ribbed, stout structured, thick ended  with great breed character and this is further enhanced by her charting positive for 9 economically relevant traits. There is something in this offering for everyone but from the versatility of how this female might benefit a breeding program we think that her possibilities are endless!

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