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Lot 5 - PC 915C1 Lexie's 112E4

High bid
6 years 25 weeks 5 days 10 hours 19 min ago
Lot Information:
PC 915C1 Lexie's 112E4
915C1 reg 20150839
PC case y's Lexie's 112-3
EPD's bw .99 ww8 yw14 hcw 9 marb .03

Bw 62
Ww 7-19-2018 535#


Who said great things don't come in small packages well here she is eye appeal with a moderate frame capacity a lot,length level great disposition
She will have marbling,
This female sire is now at San Jose he will make a mark on the breed you better look him up because a year from now people will be saying where did these calves come from because he is for real. Copperhead 915C1 full sib to national champion 915C4
Copperhead ,sancho,silva 634 picture cow silva 915 , phenotype plus EPD's
Now you want to talk about the dam
Lexie is a Caddo daughter by a Fred grand daughter with marbling
Folks check her out

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