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Lot 5 - Mr L2 Sugar Manso 222

High bid
7 years 18 weeks 2 days 15 hours 14 min ago
Lot Information:
Mr L2 Sugar Manso 222
Heifer calf; show prospect
GS Sugar Manso 505
GS Union Dixie 411
L2 Ranch

Lot 5

Mr L2 Sugar Manso 222

We sometimes take things in our busy lives for granted, like times spent with our close friends and/or mentors. Joe Butt was one of my first mentors and friends in the breed when I decided to breed Brahman cattle. When I was first starting and learning I would talk to Joe for breeding advice if I wasn’t sure how matings would work. That’s what is special about this calf to me. This was one of the last matings Joe did before he died. L2 222’s sire is the 2014 ABBA Show Bull of the year –GS Sugar Manso 505, a big powerful bull that is producing top calves for us at L2 ranch. 505 is sired by the Sage son JDH 236/1 and out of the 2 time ABBA Show Cow of the Year –GS Sugar Diamond 328. 222’s dam –GS 411 who was a member of the L2 2016 - 2017 show string is a Union bred cow that is a moderate framed cow with a great udder. This calf weaned at 685lbs., being one of the highest weaning calves in the 2017 spring calf crop. This bull is dark pigmented, heavy muscled, level hipped, deep bodied and sound structured. He is a moderate kind of bull that is going to stay fat without feed and service cows for a long time. Mr L2 Sugar Manso 222 is very gentle and halter broken and ready to show if desired.

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