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Lot 5 - MISS RB 727/3

High bid
10 years 20 weeks 3 days 18 hours 53 min ago
Lot Information:
MISS RB 727/3
MISS RB 449/0
BW 3.1, WW 22.6, YW 35.5 MILK 4.2


Miss RB 727/3

We are selling full possession and 50% breeding interest, RB Cattle is retaining 50% breeding interest in this female. Buyer will own all natural calves produced. We reserve the right to flush Miss RB 727/3 one time or at least 2 IVF sessions each year following her show career.

If for any reason you missed Lot 2 and 3, don’t worry, here’s another chance to own a great female full sister to Miss RB 669/3, Class Winner at The All American and picked by Judge Steve Hudgins as Calf and Reserve Grand Champion at the Rio Grande Valley Livestock Show. This female is a complete package that we would like to share with you, has everything that a Junior Showman or a Cattleman is looking for, she’s easy going, stands very correct in all four corners and is as long as a Boing 727 with a straight top, clean underlines, very feminine with plenty of muscle and bone. Another Miss RB 449/0 x Monumental 74, great and proven mating, bid with confidence.

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