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Lot 5 - Miss BER Aubrey 627

High bid
1 year 43 weeks 6 days 12 hours 35 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss BER Aubrey 627
Sire: Mr BER Trump 427
Dam: Miss BER 308

Miss BER Aubrey 627 is a long bodied as you want to make one and she still has bone and loads of volume with a great set of running gear under her. Her sire Trump 427 in a 2017 national champion who has produced a lot of great daughters both red and grey. We have sold over $200,000 in semen sales in the last couple years on this bull. We have Numerous half siblings to her in us hear including 706 Roosevelt, 640 and 641.  627’s dam is the famous 308 cow who has sold higher donor heifer then any cow we own. She has produced more donors in our herd then any other cow also. So, there isn’t a lot of writing really needed to sell this one because her look and pedigree kind of speaks for itself.  We have a full sister Miss BER Zoey 634 who many remember is the show ring and she is a donor for BER now. Miss BER Audrey 627 has the right pedigree and look to make an impact for your herd in the future. She comes out of our BER 308 cow family that goes back to BNA Miss NEL Manso 234/9 BIG SUE and her Great Grand dam is Miss BER 203 who won Grand Champion Bred and Owned Female and Reserve Grand Owned Female at the All American in 2004. That is a hard feat to accomplish.


selling exposed to 07/4 if not bred you will get one straw of trump semen

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