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Lot 5 - Lady L Esperanza Rojo 408

High bid
4 years 51 weeks 3 days 8 hours 51 min ago
Lot Information:
Lady L Esperanza Rojo 408
(+)Mr Winchester Magnum 999
(+)Lady L Rivka Rojo 195

Esperanza is a BIG TIME show prospect!  Being a flushmate to Lot 1, her sire needs no introduction, as he is perhaps the most influential red bull on planet earth. Her mother, +Rivka 195 has quickly proven herself as one of our top donors, attaining the coveted ABBA Register of Renown status with her first years production.

For those that have followed the open show circuit over the last year know what Eperanzas’ full sisters, Valentina 339, Viveka 346, and Maribel 336 are capable of. We feel that both Fiona (Lot 1) and Esperanza will closely follow in their big sisters footsteps; so pick your poison and hit the road collecting those banners! Don’t let the overblown hysteria of the “Coronavirus” deter you from incorporating a female of this caliber into your show string, and more importantly into your breeding program. Because rest assured Esperanza will have a much larger and longer lasting impact on your family than Covid-19.

Esperanza is gentle

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