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Lot 5 - Lady H Tamra Rojo 212/1

High bid
13 years 21 weeks 3 days 1 hour 59 min ago
Lot Information:
Lady H Tamra Rojo 212/1
March 2, 2011
+ Mr. Winchester Magnum 999
KC Lady 808

We only put two Red heifers in this sale, but they are both really stout ! Tamra 212/1 is a very balance dark red heifer sired by the popular + Winchester 999 bull. The Winchester bull is a former National and International Champion bull that was bred by our good friend Ken Stone of K bar C Ranch. The + Winchester 999 bull continues to rewrite history books on the Red side, siring  champions in the United States as well as other Brahman producing countries throughout the world. We feel that Tamra 212/1 has the look, thickness, and capacity to attract the attention of judges on any level ! Extra gentle !!

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Sire of Lot 5 - + Mr. Winchester Magnum 999

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