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Lot 5 - Lady H Luisa Manso 171/0

High bid
13 years 32 weeks 4 days 21 hours 27 min ago
Lot Information:
Lady H Luisa Manso 171/0
April 29, 2010
+ BNA Deacon Manso 253/0
+ Lady H Matilda Manso 731

  A 3/4 sister to Lady H Adelyn Manso 55/9. Luisa is a beautiful young heifer that is bred to
be a great producer. Any time we double breed + Miss V8 423/4, the dam of + Deacon 253/0 and
+ Double Take 229/8. We are able to produce females that work great when bred back to our
bulls like Maddox 684, Morton 964/7, and Principe 87/8. Luisa 171/0  is " tailor made" to take your
program to the next level. Buy her with confidence! She'll make you money.
2 Straws Mr. H Morton Manso 964/7

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