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Lot 5 - K-One Miss Hereford 862 19 ET

High bid
7 years 20 weeks 3 days 1 hour 45 min ago
Lot Information:
K-One Miss Hereford 862 19 ET
TH 71U 719T Mr Hereford 11x P43101172
Boyd SSF Lady Shrek 072
BW: 3.6 WW: 55.5 YW: 80 MM: 35 MG: 62.5
This is the cow prospect of the offering. She is moderate framed and easy fleshing. This dark red female will be a power cow in the future. Everyone knows that Charlie Boyd made females that worked across the board. The dam of Lot 5 is just that type of female.

Not only is she good, but her full brother who sells as Lot 7 is a Stout Herd Sire as well. Here is a Cow You Need.

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