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Lot - 5 - JTB PIEDMONT 1520-1869-9

High bid
4 years 18 weeks 1 day 9 hours 1 min ago
Lot Information:
JTB PIEDMONT 1520-1869-9
Sire: JTB PIEDMONT 115-1520-6
MGS: JTB ERWIN 656-961/1

1869 is a bull we have liked from the start due to his depth and ability to hold, process and convert forage.  1869 exhibits exceptional fertility passing a breeding soundness exam at 16mos of age.  This is fact-checked by an extraordinary yearling scrotal value of 33cm.  It also is hard not to admire the fluid movement this bull has on his rear legs combined with flawless structure.  Even though he is a low birth weight option we feel according to his phenotype and weaning numbers we feel he will defiantly keep your weaning weights acceptable.  1869 can do some good in many different production settings especially for someone wanting to retain big volumed females. Jim-Bob Trant 936-870-8439 for more information.

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