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Lot 5 - HSR Norden 9T (XF9186)

High bid
12 years 12 weeks 3 days 7 hours 9 min ago
Lot Information:
HSR Norden 9T (XF9186)
Bar J Nautilus 7G3 OK16 (FM1369)
Angus Cow (UAN2)

Here she be!   A dam of champions herself, 9T comes to the sale caring a Embryo out of Bar J Polly T8, the 2009 National Champion Percentage Female and Bar J 450 SL Hybrid the 2011 National Champion Percentage Bull.  This calf is sure to be a great one and is scheduled for delivery in April.  9T is a feminine fronted, balance female with plenty of muscle, length and squareness down her top.  She is a structurely sound cow who is a fantastic mother.  The calf will be 5/8 Lowline and 3/8 Club calf breeding, out of Bushy Parks  & Willow Springs Mercedes Benz bull.  Allot of flexibility with these genetics and showring possibilities!  (This calf will be a maternal ½ sibling to Planned Masterpiece)

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