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Lot 5 - Escalade x L Bar 3404 - 4 Embryos

High bid
5 years 48 weeks 4 days 9 hours 10 min ago
Lot Information:
Escalade x L Bar 3404 - 4 Embryos
L Bar 3404
CED: 6.0 BW: -1.4 WW: 33 YW: 49 MILK: 11 MCE: 3.5 MWWT: 27 SC: 1.1 REA: 0.38 FAT: -0.02 MARB: 0.09 $T: $87 $M: $29

Final Price is 4 x Bid Price

If you are looking to add some calving ease, this excellent mating will do it. This fancy En Fuego daughter pairs perfectly with Escalade; the calves will be in the top 4% of the breed for both birthweight and calving ease. But you won’t give it up in other areas, with great growth and carcass numbers, too. Calves will be top 3% in the breed for $M.

Sire Pedigree

Dam Pedigree

Other Lot Images
Sire - Escalade
Sire - Escalade
Other Lot Images
Dam - L Bar 3404
Dam - L Bar 3404

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