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Lot 5 - Butler Ana Elsa 41/6

High bid
5 years 44 weeks 8 hours 53 min 25 sec ago
Lot Information:
Butler Ana Elsa 41/6
Brahman Cow/Calf Pair

Capote in Spanish is “Cape”. It would be appropriate for #ACYJMC CAPOTE TE to be wearing a cape as he is turning out to be quite a Super Hero for the beautiful daughters he is producing and the high performing sons that have been competing in the ABBA Performance Bull Tests/carcass evaluation steer tests.  His daughter Butler Ana Elsa 41/6  had her first calf in March at 30 months old. She calved unassisted and her heifer calf nursed vigorously. These are very important traits that we take seriously. Butler Ana Elsa 41/6 possesses  the prototype udders and teats we demand at Butler Farms. We want our females to be Functionally Efficient.


Ana Elsa’s sire - #ACYJMC CAPOTE TE   is a son of JDH MR ECHO MANSO. Capote is transmitting tremendous muscle to his calves while maintaining the desired femininity in his daughters. Her dam is a daughter of JDH SIR GATES MANSO with +MR. V8 789/4 and (#) JDH DATAPACK MANSO in her pedigree.


Butler Ana Elsa 41/6 has a beautiful heifer calf at side born 3/25/2019 by #LCHS MR ALCOME TE. You will want to remember the name Alcom. He is our son of (#) JDH WOODSON DE MANSO out of a (#) JDH MR UNION MANSO female that stems from a cow dubbed “The Super Cow of Mexico” by Dr David Husfeld.


This is a great young pair that should provide many productive years in the buyers herd. If you like functional females that are bred to be less labor and management intensive, then Butler Ana Elsa 41/6 was put in the sale just for you.

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Lot 5A Sells with Dam
Lot 5A Sells with Dam
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Butler Ana Elsa 41/6
Butler Ana Elsa 41/6
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#ACYJMC CAPOTE TE Sire of Butler Ana Elsa 41/6
#ACYJMC CAPOTE TE Sire of Butler Ana Elsa 41/6

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