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Lot 5 - BCC Jewel

High bid
2 years 48 weeks 2 days 21 hours 55 min ago
Lot Information:
BCC Jewel
Purebred Simbrah show prospect
Sire: J7N Cruzan C44
Dam: BCC Moon Beam
CE-7.1 BW-2.7 WW-69.4 YW-100.9 ME-4.4 API-85.0 TI -6.3

smooth, long bodied ,deep sided, big boned and muscle.  The ideal show heifer.  She can throw her head up and make you take notice.  Sired by J7N Cruzan, a bull that Joe B. Rodriguez has had great success with.  A Simbrah with a API of 101.7 is very impressive.  Superbowl eligible. Jewel  is out of one of our top donors.  Baring Cattle Co. reserves the option to 2 IVF flushes with a guarantee of a minimum of 6 grade a embryos with the work done a certified embryologist.

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