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Lot 5 - Amazing Molly - Flush

High bid
10 years 44 weeks 2 days 1 hour 29 min ago
Lot Information:
Amazing Molly
Black Bayou
Amazing Ace

When Black Bayou was mated to Amazing Ace it resulted in one of the most lucrative flushes in the history of the breed generating nearly $300,000.  Herd sires such as Bonfire, Red Ryder, and Rock Star were a part of that truly amazing flush. Amazing Molly was also a part of that record setting flush.  These genetics have been torching the show road over the past few years. Here is a chance to get up close and personal to the maternal side of those outstanding genetics. Flush Amazing Molly to the bull of your choice and reap the benefits for years to come.

Consigned by Austin Roebuck – (662)207-3404


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