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Lot 5 - 5W American Honey C117 - Purebred Simbrah show heifer

High bid
8 years 43 weeks 5 days 22 hours 57 min ago
Lot Information:
5W American Honey C117
Purebred Simbrah show heifer
LMC Red Buck
5W Cowgirl Up
bw 5 ww57 yw 78.1

Consigned By: 5 W Cattle

This solid red show heifer prospect is super thick, long body, strong spring of rib and moves very well. She is very gentle and will make a great show heifer for any young junior. We are excited about this heifer's future. She is out of LMC Red Buck X 5W Cowgirl Up. LMC Red Buck is a super thick, clean, structurally sound heard sire. 5W Cowgirl Up Is a many time champion and has done great things for our breeding program. This heifer is halter broke and sells with 2 units of TK/FCC Hard Body.


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