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Lot 4C - ANLDSPR Pablo 25/4 - Semen Package

High bid
5 years 51 weeks 3 days 7 hours 17 min ago
Lot Information:
ANLDSPR Pablo 25/4
Selling 5, 10, or 20 Units of Semen
Final Price is 5, 10, or 20 x Bid Price

Pablo is an outstanding Sir Paul Manso son, who is a Lawford son out of Liberty daughter. On the dam side you have +Mr. V8 777/4 “Powerstroke” and JDH Sterling Manso 31/1 to complete this tremendous pedigree. He is our first bull we purchased from Agropecuria NL ranch out of Mexico. When we first saw Pablo he was a division Brahman Champion at the Mexico National Cebu Show. He is a larger frame bull with a clean sheath and great depth of body with length. He stands on really good feet and legs. We have used this bull extensively in our IVF program with great results. His calves weigh 52-71 lbs and grow fast. He will give you lots of muscle, volume and a clean look. He has already produced champions in the 2017 show ring including Miss BER 469 who was Calf Champion at Sugar Classic, Ark La Miss, Reserve Calf at East Texas and Jambalaya. She was second place in a very competitive class at the 2017 ABBA National Show where her paternal sister, Miss BER 482, was crowned ABBA National Reserve Calf Champion. Pablo has also produced Mr BER Justify 506 the 2018 ABBA National Calf Champion bull. We have sold semen rights to one of the top breeders in Australia on this bull, so you really can’t go wrong when breeding with Pablo!

We have sold semen rights to Australia in this bull.

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