Lot 42 is a heifer that is long as a freight train, and very level made out through her hip. This is an October heifer that you really must appreciate for her Weight per Day of Age, and her growthiness. This heifer is a stylish heifer who is also quite eye appealing. Lot 42 also possessed that long goose neck that a lot of judges just seem to fall in love with and sometime even single trait on. This heifer’s mother was shown successfully by Sara Rader at the Texas Junior Hereford Association state show. This heifer has potential to be a good show heifer, and go out into the pasture and create someone a nice her to build around where as she is packed on the maternal side of things with some of the best cows in our herd today. Polled. If you have any questions on this heifer call Steven Rader (903)439-4418.