Final Price = 3 x Bid Price
Exciting Mating!!!
Neches Valley Ranch has assembled an exciting Female Sexed Embryo Package. The sire to this package is the Two-Time Reserve International Champion CT Mr. Elmeaux Rhineaux 1/7. This sire has been widely used due to his show record and incredible pedigree that combines the National Champion +JDH Elmo Manso with the #1 Register of Renown Cow +CT Lady Rhineaux Ray 8/9. The dam to these embryos is a daughter of the 2014 International Champion +Mr. SG 111/1 and a flushmate to +CT Lady Rhineaux Ray, This mating closely aligns some of the most proven red Brahman genetics in the breed which only strengthens the consistency but also provides the opportunity for extreme performance when outcrossed.
Selling a package of three (3) female sexed embryos with a guarantee of one (1) 60 day pregnancy if implanted by a certified embryo technician. If no pregnancy is achieved from the first three (3) embryos an additional embryo will be given.