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Lot 4 - Willey Deja

High bid
7 years 22 weeks 6 days 8 hours 52 min ago
Lot Information:
Willey Deja
Power King
CE: 4.0; YW:76.4; Milk: 23.1; API: TI: 48
Willey Farms

Willey Deja is one of the last heifers out of our deceased herdbull Power King “Po”. Po was a TSC Powerline son out of our matriarch cow. This cow family has done a great job for us of setting the standard of solid, sound and dependable cattle not only in the show ring but also in the field. Deja’s dam is the ¾ simmy T107 cow we bred, that is out of the famous War Nitro bull. Deja is a very eye appealing heifer that continues to get better with each day. She is ultra-feminine with tons of middle. She is straight in her lines, sound in her design and super clean fronted. This attractive heifer is already halter broke and is leading well and loves the stick.

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