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Lot 4 - WEW Miss Watkins 421 - Replacement Heifer

High bid
3 years 42 weeks 1 day 12 hours 13 min ago
Lot Information:
WEW Miss Watkins 421
Sire: JDH Sir Isaac Manso 774/6
Dam: WEW Miss Watkins 390
Watkins Brahmans

WEW Miss Watkins 421 is a moderate framed, big ribbed, level made, super feminine, and heavy muscled female that is extremely docile.  She is sired by JDH Sir Isaac Manso 774/6 who is a grandson of two of the most popular and proven sires in the breed +JDH Mr. Elmo Manso and (+)JDH Atlas Manso 328/3 and then out of a Maternal Merit Cow.  The dam to this functionally built female is a daughter of #CC Jerico who was imported from Mexico with his flushmate brother +#CC Capital Gains and out of a cow that we raised by crossing the International Champion and known maternal sire +Mr. V8 901/4 with JDH Miss Alicia Manso who was a proven donor for us and San Rafael Ranch.  As might be expected from these combined proven genetics 421 combines a valuable performance profile charting low for Birth Weight and in top of the breed for Growth.  If you are looking for a well-bred heifer with a gentle disposition give WEW Miss Watkins 421 serious consideration.

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