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Lot 4 - TTT Ms Suva Marti JP 850/4

High bid
9 years 20 weeks 5 days 2 hours 9 min ago
Lot Information:
TTT Ms Suva Marti JP 850/4
MK Jackpot 555
TTT Ms Suvette Marti 478

One of the most eye appealing and unique females born at the ranch in 2015, TTT Ms Suva Marti JP 850/5 represents a unique blend of leading Brahman genetics. +TTT Texas Lotto, +3X 65, +MK Vernon 349, +JDH Martin Manso and JDH Jordan Manso all found is this females pedigree.  

This long sided, balanced and eye catchy female has show prospect written all over her. Additionally, she is probably one of the gentlest females in the sale and sells halter broke and ready to hit the show arena. She has what it takes to be not only a competitive show heifer, but more importantly a donor prospect. Her powerful pedigree is the perfect outcross to build a competitive red program around. Her full sister has turned heads the last 2 years on the open show circuit and we feel 850/5 posses those same characteristics.  Tic Tac Toe reserves the right to one IVF flush following her first calf and show career.

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TTT Ms Suva Marti JP 789/4, a full sister to 850/4 and a consistent show ring winner for Tic Tac Toe Ranch.
TTT Ms Suva Marti JP 789/4, a full sister to 850/4 and a consistent show ring winner for Tic Tac Toe Ranch.

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