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Lot 4 - TTT Lady Suva's Echo 823

High bid
10 years 20 weeks 2 days 7 hours 10 min ago
Lot Information:
TTT Lady Suva's Echo 823
JDH Echo's Lair Manso (864833)
TTT Suvette Marti 297 (847059)

TTT Lady Suva’s Echo 823 is a June baby that will surely be a crowd favorite. This young female has the potential to turn heads as a competitive show heifer. We can only hope she’s in the hands of junior or breeder that’s ready to hit the show road! Rarely, you will find a young calf with this much natural muscling and thickness to complement her bone work and structural correctness. This is female sums up the Tic Tac Toe look we strive to produce.

“823” is sired by our up and coming herd sire owned with Dr. McKenny, JDH Echo’s Liar Manso. Being a direct son of the famous JDH Echo Manso bull, “Echo’s Liar” combines all the desirable traits the JDH Echo Manso progeny are known for. +JDH Liberty Manso and +JDH Marri Masno are also well represented in this herd sire’s pedigree.

On the bottom side of “823’s” pedigree is one of our favorite outcrosses at Tic Tac Toe Ranch. Crossing +TTT Mr Suva Crata 450 daughters with +JDH Martin Manso 879/3 is what our ranch has been known for the last ten years, it works every time. The dam of “823,” TTT Suvette Marti 297 is a favorite at the ranch and represents the +TTT 450 and +JDH Martin Manso outcross. The TTT 297 cow has produced several top females, one for Luis Daniel Mata of Mexico.

TTT Lady Suva’s Echo 823 is hard for us to part with but our goal is to consign our best. Buy this heifer to run with at various shows and build a herd around.

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