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Lot 4 - PC /Creekline JERNIGAN 9148E3

High bid
6 years 25 weeks 5 days 10 hours 52 min ago
Lot Information:
PC /Creekline JERNIGAN 9148E3
Jernigan 4/14 reg 20140522
TF 9148 reg 1283412
EPD's bw 1.75 ww 20 yw 19 hcw 15 rea .14 Growth $21

Bw 69
Ww 6-15-2018 590#


The Jernigan daughter has that pretty chrome color to her that when u go out to the pasture she catches your eye every time or in show ring she will Add that extra shine when her udder comes down and catches the judges attention she will be in the donor pen and ready make you money great genomics are instilled in this female,
Pay attention to the bottom side of sire Jernigan you will see bill Barrett's favorite bull Five oaks 005 his calves will wean gain tests and his weaning weights will be great 9148 the dam is copperhead miss Reba superstar 923 (wow ) grey rocks 039 probably mine,Arlin and Yancey top 3 bulls in the breed . Ricochet,hatchet savannah this female pedigrees is to die for . She's a head turner.

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