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Lot 4 - Mr L Charlton Heston 300 - 5 Units of Semen

High bid
5 years 48 weeks 6 days 7 hours 47 min ago
Lot Information:
Mr L Charlton Heston 300 - 5 Units of Semen
JDH Navasota Manso 55/1 
JDH Miss Pauline Manso 

Final Price is 5  x Bid Price

Big League Bull Prospect! Charlton is sired by a +JDH Dakota Manso 599 son and out of a successful show female who is a daughter of JDH Mr Echo Manso. This rascal has a pedigree straight out of Hungerford America! He is deep in his flank and complete in his design. Sound in his structure and very appealing from the side profile. This beef type bull has all the pertinent attributes stacked in his favor. 

He was most recently named the National Reserve Intermediate Champion Bull and currently stands among the top 5 gray bulls as a contender for “Premier Show Animal of the Year”.......If you’re looking for a bull that will add style and performance with a pedigree second to none, whether breeding red or gray, strongly consider being one of the first to incorporate Charlton Heston 300. 

Owned with Flying Diamond Ranch 

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