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Lot 4 - Mr H Brigham Manso 6/7

High bid
5 years 41 weeks 4 days 2 hours 9 min ago
Lot Information:
Mr H Brigham Manso 6/7
Mr H Walks Alone Manso 558/4
Lady H Sue Manso 873
BW: 1.1 WW: 20.1 YW: 34.8 M: 6.8

If you are looking for a bull that is performance packed, big testicled, offers a low birthweight, a proven pedigree and a functional build, then study Mr H Brigham Manso 6/7 hard!  From the ground up you have to love the ideal build of this bull being sound structured, big boned, big bodied, heavy muscled, long, and level, and offering great breed character. The more discriminating cattleman will recognize that he ranks in the top of the breed for an impressive 12 economically relevant traits!  The students of the breed will see that Brigham offers a pedigree that combines the freshest and most proven genetics in the breed.  His sire, Mr H Walks Alone Manso 558/4, combines the proven genetic lines of +Elmo and +Rey TE. The dam to Brigham is our proven donor Lady H Sue Manso 873, a former show heifer that has produced winners in Panama and the U.S., and is the Maternal Grand Dam to the many time Champion Mr H Joaquin Jackson Manso 85/7, further confirming her influence.  We are truly offering our best and feel that Mr H Brigham Manso 6/7 represents our program as well as any!

BW: 70     SC: 38     DISP: 2

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Sire - Mr H Walks Alone Manso 558/4
Sire - Mr H Walks Alone Manso 558/4

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