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Lot 4 - Miss V8 278/7

High bid
12 years 25 weeks 6 days 15 hours 19 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss V8 278/7
Mr. V8 960/5
+JDH Lady Charity Manso
BW: 3.1 WW: 21.1 YW: 30 M: 11.6

Selling 1/2 Interest

This is a special lot, in which we are selling half-interest in this bred female.  This half is owned by the Denny Migl family who recently moved his family to Colorado because of a job promotion. Denny played football as big old offensive lineman with Jim in college and purchased this heifer for a family show heifer project while he lived in Texas.  Now living south of Denver, it gets a little cold for a Brahman.  The new owner will be partners with V8 Ranch in all aspects of the female, or they have the option to double the price and buy 100% of the female outright. Miss V8 278/7 is a former show heifer sired by Mr. V8 960/5 out of the famous +JDH Lady Charity Manso 131/1 donor, making her a full sib to the 2009 Reserve International Champion Female Miss V8 858/6. Lady Charity also is the mother Mr. V8 532/6 who was also an anchor of our show string from 2009 to 2010 and is now a herd sire for the Spiegal family of Panama. What is really interesting about the  JDH Lady Charity 131/1 cow is her dam, JDH Lady Ren S. Manso 707, is also the dam of the legendary +JDH Karu Manso 800!!! As for as we know this is the only daughter of 800’s dam ever sold by Bubba Hudgins. All of the cattle from this mating carry the same outstanding traits of great bloodlines, length of body, and great dispositions. Where we feel that they excel is their muscle pattern and expression combined with their eye appeal. 278 is a very thick female, yet she is clearly very upheaded, feminine, clean underlined, and has the look that V8 continues to stamp on their females.  She is a large framed, front pasture kind of bred heifer.  She sells bred to Mr. V8 675/6 for a early spring 2013 calf, and we think she has unlimited potential as a donor female and breeding cow in any herd.  We would like to remain partners on this great female but are offering the option for the new buyer to either be our partner or double the bid and purchase the female outright.

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