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Lot 4 - MISS V8 277/7

High bid
13 years 23 weeks 3 days 2 hours 15 min ago
Lot Information:
MISS V8 277/7
+MR. V8 901/4
BW: 2.8 WW: 24.2 YW: 39.9 M: 6.4

Here’s a full sister to SG Cattle’s many time champion bull from last year – Mr. V8 571/6. You’ll remember this bull for his moderate size, dark pigment, and length of body. He won tons of banners for Kim and James Becker last year and we congratulate their success.  She is also a full sister to Lauren Parker’s, Ft. Worth Champion Female, Miss V8 925/6 who was a solid contender for two years in the junior shows.

277/7 is a 2-year-old heifer who is sired by the no-miss +Mr. V8 901/4 bull out of a Register of Renown Watson Land & Cattle donor. We love the +Miss WLC 71 donor because this Karu daughter also traces back to one of our favorite old donors, +CCS Miss Didor 109/7, the former International Champion that we purchased from Clyde Goudeau when 202/3’s mother died. 71HW is also the mother of the former All American Champion Bull, Mr. V8 354/6, now in service at Ernest Cannon’s Windy Hill Ranch. The best calves born the last two years at Windy Hill are sired by Mr. V8 354/6.  The 71 cow is just flat out impressive, weighing close to a ton and very heavy boned. We have flushed her many times to 901/4 with great results. This heifer already is a front pasture female and should make a powerful donor.

AI’d on August 25, 2011 and pasture exposed to Mr. V8 463/6, the 2009 National Champion bull. Selling as exposed.

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