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Lot 4 - Miss SCC Cassie 120/6

High bid
8 years 6 weeks 10 hours 13 min 59 sec ago
Lot Information:
Miss SCC Cassie 120/6
Mr. SCC Casanova 224/0
Miss SCC Georgette 35/1

Consigner - Schulte Cattle Company


Royal Pedigree. Flawless Female.

Miss SCC Cassie 120/6 has it all! This spring born represents the progressive breeding program that the Schulte family is known for and this family needs no introduction to the Brahman world. Over the years the Schulte’s have bred some of the most competitive Brahman cattle in central Texas and we feel that Miss SCC Cassie 120/6 is one of the most intriguing females to sell anywhere this year!


The 120/6 heifer combines a great blend of the breed’s hottest genetics. You will find greats like Mr. V8 960/5, “Superstroke,” +V8 552, +V8 789/4, +V8 452/5, JDH Domino and the influential KC Atair Gem 225! If you are looking to incorporate a future donor into your program this female has the genetic making and phenotype to get the job done!


TBF cannot thank the Schulte family enough for this offering. McKenna was an integral part of the TBF team when she served as AJBA president in 2015 and 2016. Her guidance and leadership does not go unnoticed and it is our mission to continue to invest in wonderful young people just like McKenna and Keaton.

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