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Lot 4 - Miss Dubina Rose 286/9

High bid
4 years 13 weeks 3 days 9 hours 42 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss Dubina Rose 286/9
Sire: Mr. V8 740/7
Dam: Miss Dubina Rose 172/6
Replacement Heifer
Consignor: Dubina Rose Ranch

One of the featured open heifers in the offering is Miss Dubina Rose 286/9.  This yearling female is moderate framed, long, level, heavy muscled, and super attractive.  Not only does she have the look that any discriminating cattleman would appreciate but comes backed by a proven pedigree.  Her sire is Mr. V8 740/7 who was purchased by Dubina Rose Ranch from the V8 Ranch Performance Tested Bull Sale where he was the #1 Bull for Adjusted Weaning Weight, Adjusted Yearling Weight, and tied for the largest REA/CWT.  740/7 is sired by +JDH Sir Avery Manso 159/7 and out of the dam to Mr. V8 274/7 “George” and the granddam to Mr. V8 933/7 “Yeti”.

The bottom side of 286/9’s pedigree is the leading polled donor for Dubina Rose Ranch, Miss Dubina Rose 172/6.  Miss Dubina Rose 172/6 is the result of crossing the proven herd sire LMC Polled Sambo 45/0 (P) with the long-time donor Miss V8 650/6.  It should also be noted that 172/6 is very fertile averaging 8 embryos per aspiration.

As an added value Miss Dubina Rose 286/9 charts in the top 8% of the breed for growth and ribeye area and in the top half for marbling.

Study the maternally influenced pedigree, performance, and outstanding phenotype of this “baby doll” and consider the value that she could play in your program!

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