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Lot 4 - Miss Double A 285/1

High bid
4 years 38 weeks 1 day 8 hours 21 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss Double A 285/1
JDH Sir Siegel Manso 22/9
Miss RB 593/2

Miss Double A 285/1 is an extremely stout heifer that is packed with muscle.  In addition to her eye appealing style, she has a long line of top cattle in her pedigree, such as (+) JDH Sir Liberty Manso.  He is her paternal Grandsire and needs no introduction as he has produced champions all over the world and made a large impact in the Hudgins herd over the years.  Her Dam, Miss RB 593/2, is a female we purchased from RB Ranch to add to our program to bring in new blood and she certainly proved herself.  This will be one of the last RB 593/2 offspring we will be offering due to we lost her at a fairly young age.  With bulls in her pedigree such as (+) JDH Sir Liberty Manso, +JDH Sir Shank Manso, +JDH Sir Lawford Manso and +JDH Martin Manso, she's on the trail to excellence!

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