Miss BER Famous Little Jet 965 is a heifer that you could show or make a donor cow. She is big boned, level topped, with a good hip and hump placement. She walks out on a good set of feet and legs. This heifer is halter broke and gentle. She is out of a National Grand Champion bull Mr. BER Trump 427 who was a 2- time ABBA Premiere Show Bull of the Year. The dam to Trump JDH Goudeau Manso 130/0 is the ABBA number 2 cow for producing Register of Renown. Trump produced the 2021 National Champion Grey Get of Sire and Grey Calf Champion Female. JDH Goudeau Manso 130/0 produced the Grand Champion Bull at the 2022 All American. As you can see this heifer has a Champion Pedigree that you need to add to your herd. The Dam of this lot is Miss RB 909 is Sired by the great JDH 281/4 bull.