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Lot 4 - Miss BER Color My World 946

High bid
1 year 44 weeks 6 days 17 hours 33 min ago
Lot Information:
Sire: Mr BER 427
Sire: Mr BER 427
Dam: Miss BER 350

Miss BER Color My World 946 is a full sister to the 2021 national calf champion female and just like her sister she has a lot of power all the way thru and yet still has the style of a great female. We love her added bone and foot size. And her pedigree is second to none. Being sired by a national champion bull who needs no intro because he is letting his females do the talking for him. Her Dam Miss BER 350 is out of Garlan Manso bull who is known for producing outstanding female as you can tell by the female in this offering.     


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