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Lot 4 - LMC Polled N Pretty 58/4

High bid
7 years 23 weeks 6 days 23 hours 4 min ago
Lot Information:
LMC Polled N Pretty 58/4
Champion Polled Brahman Donor
+LMC LF Ambasssador 700/7
LMC +S Polled Madonna 274/1
BW 2.1, WW 17.3, YW 26.5, Milk 4.8
La Muneca, England & Jaime Flores

LMC Polled N Pretty is a champion full sister to LMC Polled Passion, the 2016 Reserve International Champion Female. She is one of six full sisters all of which are really good and are working for prominent breeders with the exception of our young heifer still nursing her recip dam. This is one of the best POLLED cow families in the breed that goes back to the 2000 National Champion +JDH Marri Holly Manso 50/6. Her dam, Polled Madonna sells as Lot 3 so if you are interested in owning your share of one of today’s and tomorrow’s most productive and profitable POLLED cow families you might consider investing in this mother daughter combination.

Polled N Pretty is properly named as she is plenty pretty, is double polled, very feminine and represents our LMC GOLDEN CROSS very well. We have some ET babies coming from the same bull that she sells exposed to, our new V8 bull that we nicknamed “Polled Phenom” who is the product of two National Champions and is a full brother to the popular V8 champion named “Noble”. “Polled Phenom” is the Total Package and the only polled bull with two National Champs for parents. We have always had a lot of respect for what his sire +JDH Mr. Elmo Manso is doing for the Brahman World as she produces THE COWMAN’S KINDA CATTLE.

Her full sister has produced six outstanding ET calves sired by V8 139/7 (P) that are averaging $15,000 per calf for the first three sold, one of which topped the prestigious ABBA Houston sale selling for $19,500 to the Chuck Sellman family. You can build a herd around a cow of this quality. Buyer will receive two units of semen from any England Cattle Co., ELC Cattle Co. or La Muneca to AI this cow.

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Other Lot Images
- Polled N Pretty at 9 months of age
 - Polled N Pretty at 9 months of age
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-Sire - one of only 3 POLLED bulls in the Register of Renown
 -Sire - one of only 3 POLLED bulls in the Register of Renown
Other Lot Images
- Dam as a yearling . She sells as Lot 3.
 - Dam as a yearling . She sells as Lot 3.
Other Lot Images
Reference Sire - MR V8 733/7 "Polled Phenom"
Reference Sire - MR V8 733/7 "Polled Phenom"

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