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Lot 4 - LMC Polled Integrity 93/0 Semen

High bid
10 years 23 weeks 5 days 4 hours 18 min ago
Lot Information:
LMC Polled Integrity 93/0
LMC LF Ambassador 700/7
Miss Double A 281/5
BW:2.4 WW:13.3 YW:20.3 M:6.7

Selling ten units of LMC Polled Integrity (smooth polled) semen with ten AI Certificates at ABBA cost.

LMC Polled Integrity is a young herd bull that we co-own with our good buddy Kelly Barnard from Kansas.  He is sired by Ambassador and a top herd bull producing Double A cow sired by V8 "Tommy Bahama" that has produced five herd bulls in a row for us with three selling for an average of $7,500 to Lonnie Tomerlin, La Reina Cattle and Kansas Polled Brahmans.  We are using his full sib, LMC Polled Baron now.

We sold Polled Integrity's first daughter at the 2014 Houston ABBA Sale to Kelly Barnard for $10,000. We are selling another very fancy baby doll daughter in this sale as Lot 8. We sold 1/2 interest in LMC Polled Dignity, his oldest son in LMC GenePLUS IV for $6,500 to Jimmy Chapman from Florida. We are proud that both new and established breeders are investing in our practical, productive and profitable POLLED genetics.


consignor:La Muneca & Kelly Barnard


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Lot 4 - Spring calf sired by LMC Polled Integrity at Kelly Barnards in Kansas.

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