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Lot 4 - Full Page Ad in the Ag Mag - THANKS for Your Coverage of 4-H & FFA Events

High bid
4 years 3 weeks 4 days 8 hours 29 min ago
Lot Information:
Full Page Ad in the Ag Mag - THANKS for Your Coverage of 4-H & FFA Events
Donor: Michelle Martin-AgMag

A BIG HEARTY THANKS goes out to our good friend Michelle Martin for her and her great Magazine AgMag’s continued support of STAR. She does an incredible job of keeping the public informed of what is happening with our 4-H and FFA students in the Rio Grande Valley. She attends many junior ag events and writes great stories about our youth. Michelle has become an awesome AGvocate promoting all facets of Agriculture and is indeed a big asset to our Agriculture Industry.


When you buy this ad, not only will you be supporting every kiddo that participates in STAR but you will be promoting your product to the AG World that the AgMag touches on the table and throughout social media reaching thousands of good folks. THANK YOU for your support. We believe in the AgMag and all that it does for our kiddos and AG.


“The 4-H and FFA programs are crucial to my magazine because they are our future! I try to include 4-12 pages per issue highlighting their achievements and hard work. The magazine has a reach of about 50,000. I support this sale- what they stand for, and am so blessed to be able to donate to it and it’s cause” says Michelle.



For more info, please contact Michelle at 956-330-8870.

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