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Lot 4 - Female Sexed Pregnant Recipient: +Mr. WCC Maximus Rojo 82/4 X +Miss V8 326/7

High bid
1 year 45 weeks 2 days 23 hours 42 min ago
Lot Information:
Female Sexed Pregnant Recipient: +Mr. WCC Maximus Rojo 82/4 X +Miss V8 326/7
Sire: +Mr. WCC Maximus Rojo 82/4 #927662
Dam: +Miss V8 326/7 #887792

Exclusive opportunity!  The sire to this FEMALE SEXED PREGNANCY that is due next month (May 2023) is +Mr. WCC Maximus Rojo 82/4.  Those who follow the breed know the impact that Maximus has played over the past 4 years with an International Champion son and a National Champion son as well as many other winners to his credit. To further make this package exclusive very limited semen is available on Maximus due to an injury and the last time it was offered it brought $7,500/straw.  It should also be noted that Maximus is a complete outcross to many of today’s popular bloodlines further adding value to him from a breeding standpoint.


The dam to the resulting calf is +Miss V8 326/7.  Based on 326/7 reaching the Register of Renown you can tell that she is a proven producer.  One of her most notable offspring was the 2018 All American Grand Champion Female. 


From a genetic standpoint the resulting offspring will be the “Golden Cross” combining the influence of (+)JDH Karu Manso with (+)JDH Madison De Manso and will chart superior for Growth and Ribeye Area.


We have some calves from this mating that are OUTSTANDING!!! We will likely not be offering this mating again due to limited availability of embryos. Take advantage TODAY!!!

Other Lot Images
Dam: +Miss V8 326/7
Dam: +Miss V8 326/7

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