Purchase Price = 3 X Bid
WOW is the first thing that you think when you see this opportunity!!! The dam to this embryo package is Miss HMC Polled 42/1who was purchased in the 2019 National Brahman Sale by Lawrence Cattle Company and has generated many times over her purchase price in offspring and frozen genetics sales. 42/1 is a daughter of the former V8 Ranch showbull and now one of the most widely used polled sires in the breed as evidenced by him ranking #7 lifetime for registrations, Mr. V8 794/7. The dam to 42/1 is Miss SRS Polled Katie who has three daughters that have sold for $21,500-$37,000 over the past two years validating her producing ability and recently sold for $44,000. The sire to the embryos is +TJF Mr. Smokin Gun 109/7 who sired the 2023 International Champion Red Female and BOTH the 2022 International Grand Champion & Reserve Champion Females. As a result of the success of his progeny and limited semen availability Smokin Gun semen recently sold for $21,000/straw making this a valuable purchase. Study this opportunity as the resulting calf will be out of PROVEN parents, should be red, possibly polled, and phenotypically superior!
Selling a package of three (3) embryos with a guarantee of one (1) 60 day pregnancy if implanted by a certified embryo technician. If no pregnancy is achieved from the first three (3) embryos an additional embryo will be given.