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Lot 4 - BCC Lady Stacy Manso 181/1 - Show Heifer Prospect

High bid
2 years 26 weeks 2 hours 22 min 38 sec ago
Lot Information:
BCC Lady Stacy Manso 181/1
Sire: M2 BRC Captain 518/1
Dam: Lady H Maria Manso 523/3
BW: 3.2 WW: 24 YW: 42 M: 4 Act. BW: 86

Study this one close and try to find a fault with her… you couldn’t? Well neither could I. Stacy is about as complete and correct as you can make one. She’s upheaded and feminine, tying her neck in high to the point of her shoulder. She’s smooth shouldered and tapers back into a stout, powerful hip and stifle. Through her center body she’s bold ribbed and so neat and tidy through her chest floor that it brings her balance together flawlessly. And she brings this all together in a moderate framed, sound moving package. Talk about one that has endless breeding possibilities, and it’s Stacy. I think no matter how you breed her, she’s never going to give you a bad one. She backs this up with her pedigree by stacking up major names and top producers for generations. Sired by the phenom M2 BRC Captain 518/1, she brings in the predictability of proven genetics from +Mr. V8 191/7, Miss V8 645/6, and +JDH Sir Avery Manso. On the bottom side she’s out of Lady H Maria Manso 523/3 who is an extremely fertile female hailing directly from the famous +Lady Heritage Manso 173 female who was a matriarch for Heritage Cattle, producing +Mr. H Maddox Manso 684 and the national champion +Lady H Lanel Manso 911/6, and several other known donors. She was mated only once to +JDH Charley’s Jazz 946/1, which resulted in only 1 calf, Lady H Maria, which highlights the rarity of this combination of elite genetics. Stacy is halter broke, but would be recommended for an experienced showman.


Bentke Cattle Company retains the right to two (2) successful IVF procedures after the conclusion of the female’s show career at the buyer’s convenience and the seller’s expense.


Other Lot Images
Sire: M2 BRC Captain 518/1
Sire: M2 BRC Captain 518/1

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