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Lot 4: BCC Lady Bonnie 240/3 - Show Heifer Prospect

High bid
1 year 20 weeks 6 days 17 hours 22 min ago
Lot Information:
BCC Lady Bonnie 240/3
+M2 BRC CAPTAIN 518/1 
BW: 3.3 WW: 24 YW: 50 M: 4

Oh man, does this one get me excited!! BCC Lady Bonnie 240/3 is as unique as they come. She’s about as rugged, powerful and stout as you can make a 5 month old heifer. She’s huge topped, big hipped, bold ribbed and stands on a massive set of feet and legs. This girl is STOUT. And even with all that power and mass, she carries it gracefully and still looks like a lady. She’s got donor written all over her, because this type and kind opens you up to so many different breeding opportunities, both red and gray. Pedigree wise, you’ll quickly notice she’s got a star studded lineage, being sired by +M2 BRC Captain 518/1 and out of Ms. Bonchasse 376/7, who is sired by “The Machine” +Mr. V8 380/6 and out of the many time champion, JDH Lady Babette Manso 486/4. So, that’s +Captain, on a +V8 380/6 daughter that goes back to +JDH Elmo… does that sound familiar? It should! The 2023 International Champion female, BRC Lady Glitter Sparkle 115, has an almost identical pedigree, making them 7/8 siblings! We unfortunately lost Ms. Bonchasse 376/7 this spring when she was calving her 3rd natural calf and only have a very limited embryo inventory on her, so the opportunity to acquire these genetics will be very limited. Don’t miss out on this extremely unique female.


Special Notes


Started on halter and in show barn.


Bentke Cattle Company is selling 100% possession and 50% breeding interest, consisting of retaining the right to one (1) aspiration per calendar year beginning after the conclusion of the female’s show career at the buyer’s convenience and the seller’s expense.

Other Lot Images
Sire: +M2 BRC Captain 518/1
Sire: +M2 BRC Captain 518/1
Other Lot Images
7/8 sibling - BRC Lady Glitter Sparkle 115, 2023 International Champion Female
7/8 sibling - BRC Lady Glitter Sparkle 115, 2023 International Champion Female

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