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Lot 4 - 5 Grade 1 Embryos KSSR Lexus X HOC Mr. Broker Embryos

High bid
9 years 21 weeks 3 days 22 hours 50 min ago
Lot Information:
purebred simmental
HOC Mr. Broker
KSSR Lexus
Projected EPD: CE: 4.85 BW: 3.30 WW: 65.55 YW: 89.55 ADG: 0.15 MCE: 10.80 Milk: 14.40 MWW: 47.20 API: 110.4 TI: 59.9

Final Price = Bid Price x 5

Consigned by: Knezek Simmental Simbrah Ranch

KSSR is proud to be offering a select group of 5 embryos by HOC Mr. Broker x KSSR Lexus (Dream On x KSSR Mystique).  This is the ONLY time these embryos will be offered for sale.  This mating is as good as it gets when talking about Simmental cattle.  There’s no introduction needed on Broker as he has made a tremendous impact on the breed and well as being named the Denver Champion two times!  The KSSR Lexus cow is one of the best Dream On daughters we’ve dealt with.  The overall completeness, eye appeal, structural soundness, accompanied by a striking look and tons of volume makes her a stand out!  We’ve only had three calves born as a result of this mating so far and the first three sold for an average of over $6,000!!  Study the genetics here and do the math….these embryos are the money making kind and a ONE time offering only.  Please give us a call with any questions.   Thank you for your interest.


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