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Lot 4

High bid
13 years 44 weeks 4 days 12 hours 38 min ago
Lot Information:
Lady H Crystal Manso 173/0
#Jadl Rey Te 110
Lady Heritage Manso 173

Go ahead... Build your herd around her!It not easy to breed females of this quality and performance. Harder yet, to sell them. Crystal 173/0 wears the same brand number as her dam, +Lady Heritage Manso 173/0 " Tori." Crystal is a Maternal sister to our Register of Renown Sire + Maddox 684 and the 2009 National Champion Cow, Lady H Lanel Manso 911/6. She is sired by the + Madison 737 son that was imported by Santa Elena Ranch. Opportunity Knocks.!

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Lady Heritage Manso 173 "Tori" - Dam of Lot 4
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#Jadl Rey Te  110 - Sire of Lot 4

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