Final Price is 3 x Bid Price
Three Female Sexed Embryos that QUALIFY for the Golden Guarantee
This sexed female embryo package is sired by Mr. Kallion 1352 who is known nationwide due his moderate framed practical build, heavy bone, depth of rib, length of body, muscle, carcass quality, low birthweight, breed character and gentle disposition. Due to his superiority in these traits he is one of the most widely used bulls on English breed cows to produce F-1 offspring. The dam to this embryo package is Miss Kallion Martha 516 who is one of the most proven females in the Kallion Cattle Company herd producing outstanding progeny time and time again. This is another one of the proven matings that should produce gentle, fertile, and trouble-free cattle with above average carcass quality. AND if they aren’t? You get your money back!