Purchase Price = 3 X Bid
If BLACK, POLLED, PROVEN, POPULAR, and REGISTER OF RENOWN all sound like something that you need in a sire then study this opportunity! For the past 16 years Candler Cattle Company has been successfully using +JME Mr. Suva Crat 225 (P) in their program to produce numerous show champions and the foundation of their polled program. Due to the success of the sire in a natural breeding situation and with limited progeny being shown he reached the ABBA Register of Renown making him one of the few polled sires to accomplish this feat. It should be recognized that this sire is an outcross to many of today’s popular bloodlines and more importantly he charts superior for the genetic predictors of Birth Weight, Growth, and Marbling further adding value. Over the past 18 months, five daughters of 225 have fetched from $22,500-$105,000 validating the demand for his genetics. It should also be noted that a semen package from Suva Crat 225 recently brought $4,600/straw confirming his popularity. Due to limited semen availability 225 semen is NO LONGER on the market and will only be offered in special sales making this an exclusive opportunity. Package includes three straws of semen with a total of six AI certificates (additional certificates can be purchased for $100/each).