g two National Champions. To further compliment the pedigree of this sire is his dam who is a daughter of the two-time Central American Champion and now proven US herd sire #SS Principe De Siguacan and out of a daughter of the Vanguard Sire (+)JDH Dakota Manso 599. It's easy to get excited about the pedigree of this young bull but he comes with much more substance than that ranking in the top of the breed for 11 traits to include growth, milk, scrotal circumference and ribeye area. To further validate his performance profile this young sire is backed by actual measurements of BW: 75 lbs, 1.26 REA/CWT, a 4.9 Frame Score and a Scrotal Measurement of 35.0 cm. All of this should equate to Mr. 4F Polled Principe 45/8 (P) producing small calves that should be polled, heavy muscled, easy fleshing, and a pedigree that is attractive enough to be used in a registered or F-1 operation. It's hard to make them any better!