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Lot 3 - SRS Miss Polled Jazmine 460/8

High bid
4 years 44 weeks 3 days 13 hours 47 min ago
Lot Information:
SRS Miss Polled Jazmine 460/8
+ MR V8 458/7 "Noble"
SRS Miss Polled 249/6

Rare Opportunity!! Its not often that you are able to secure a polled/scurred female that offers the bone, volume, and muscle that SRS Miss Polled Jazmine 460/8 does.  It is even more rare to be able to purchase such a female that is sired by a legendary bull like +Mr. V8 458/7 Noble” who is enjoying a storied career.  Most know that Noble” is a son of two National Champions and has sired a National & International Champion Get of Sire, the ONLY three-time International Champion Bull, an International Champion Female and 3 Reserve International Champion Females.  The dam to Jazmine is the result of some embryos that we purchased from V8 Ranch that are sired by their most influential polled bloodlines to include Mr. V8 51/6 and Miss V8 420/6 who they showed and retained two daughters.  Jazmine is extremely gentle as you might expect from the progeny of Noble” and has been shown on a limited basis by a student from a local FFA Chapter.  Dont miss out on this opportunity to purchase a female that combines it all and could be influential in a horned or polled program.

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