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Lot 3 - (+) Mr V8 279/7 x Lady L Romelda Rojo 201 - 3 IVF Embryos

High bid
2 years 47 weeks 3 days 13 hours 30 min ago
Lot Information:
3 IVF Embryos
Sire: (+) Mr V8 279/7
Dam: Lady L Romelda Rojo 201


An opportunity to produce what would result in essentialy full sibs in blood to lots 5, & 8.

Romelda is a flushmate to the 2018 Reserve International Champion, Lady H Aggie Rojo 902/6, and the 2015 International Calf Champion, Mr H Oxford Rojo 604/4…..Fun fact; Seeing Oxford at the HLSR in 2015 was the inspiration for us to get involved in the Red Brahman Breed just a few short years ago by purchasing a full sister to Romelda, Aggie, & Oxfords dam…..That cow; most know as +Chanel 153/0!

201 herself was a competitive show heifer. Perhaps her proudest moment was being crowned Calf Champion at the 2017 San Antonio Stock Show. She is sired by +TJF Mr Smokin Gun 109/7, and out of the Heritage donor +Lady H Trisha Rojo 61/9.

The sire to these embryos is the #1 all time Champion Producing polled gray bull of the ABBA; +Mr V8 279/7 (P). This +Elmo son has become popular worldwide for transmitting moderate birthweights, good dispositions, and excellent maternal characteristics to his daughters.

Price = 3 X Bid

Selling a package of three (3) IVF embryos with a guarantee of one (1) 60 day pregnancy if implanted by a certified embryo technician. If no pregnancy is achieved from the first three (3) embryos an additional embryo will be given.

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