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Lot 3 - Mr H Walker Manso 5/7

High bid
5 years 39 weeks 5 days 7 hours 2 min ago
Lot Information:
Mr H Walker Manso 5/7
Mr H Thor Manso 732/5
Lady H Porshia Manso 23/8
BW: 3.0 WW: 16.6 YW: 27.9 M: 5.1

If you think that the outline of Mr H Walker Manso 5/7 looks familiar, it might be because his flushmate brother is Mr H Gattis Manso 1/7 who is also in this sale.  Both of these bulls are bigger outlined, heavy muscled, big boned bulls. Compared to his brother, Walker offers a darker “blue” hair color and more marbling and in fact he is the marbling specialist of this sale with a 4.13% IMF measurement.  With the purchase of Mr H Walker Manso 5/7 you again are purchasing a proven pedigree that is recognizable by Brahman breeders globally and includes the influential Thor, Porshia, +Elroy, Alexis, Kealee, Principe and JDH Alina.  To complete this impressive package, this young sire charts positive for 8 traits further adding to his value combining the essentials of pedigree, performance and phenotype!

BW: 85     SC: 32     DISP: 1

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