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Lot 3: Miss WCC 76/4 “Serena”

High bid
8 years 44 weeks 3 days 1 hour 38 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss WCC 76/4 “Serena”
JDH San Antonio Manso 881/5
+MK Vernon 349/1

This one represents our best our most exclusie outcross! If you’re looking for a genetic powerhouse and female that’s ready for production then look no further! Miss WCC 76/4 “Serena” comes straight from our keeper herd of replacement females and we feel she could be the cornerstone of her future buyer’s program.

“Serena” is sired by one of our favorite’s from Mark Forganson’s and our go to bull to outcross many of our red pedigree cattle, JDH San Antonio 881/5. “Serena’s” dam is our best producing female and our register of renown donor, +TTT Suva’s Vernon 335 (see her in Lot 1). The 335 cow produced our 2014 National Champion female, the 2014 All American Grand Champion for Payton Herzog and other top contenders like Miss WCC Blair 77/4 (division reserve champion at Houston) and Mr. WCC Maximus Rojo 82/4 (San Antonio grand champion and national division champion).

“Serena” is the kind of cow you can build a herd around. She sells open and ready to breed to the bull of your choice or move her straight into an I.V.F. program, her follicle count is excellent! We recorded a strong heat cycle April 4th. She’s the front pasture type you do not want to miss. Miss WCC 76/4 has been conditioned on rye grass and minimal grain for spring 2016.

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Other Lot Images
Miss WCC Gossip Girl 55/2, 2014 National Champion female and full sister to “Serena.”
Miss WCC Gossip Girl 55/2, 2014 National Champion female and full sister to “Serena.”
Other Lot Images
“Serena’s” donor dam, +TTT Ms Suva’s Vernon 335
“Serena’s” donor dam, +TTT Ms Suva’s Vernon 335

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