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Lot 3: Miss WCC 377/0

High bid
4 years 29 weeks 6 days 1 hour 44 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss WCC 377/0
DOB: 1/2/2020
Sire: Mr WCC Maximus Rojo 82/4
Dam: MS SS 173


“Maximus” combined with “Redstroke” might be one of the best matings the ranch has ever seen. There is no doubt that Miss WCC 377/0 has “THE LOOK” of a great one. Throughout the spring this female was one of the most talked about calves at the ranch and we struggled with the thought of consigning this one. This extremely long bodied female is flawless and gives you a striking look every time. We think she’ll continue to attract lots of attention as a show female or breeding piece. 


Her pedigree is one to build a program around. She’s sired by Maximus and out of an outstanding +SRS Redstroke 522 daughter. The Swaner line is known for some of the most productive red Brahman cattle in the world. You can take 377/0 and mate her with some of today’s most progressive genetics to build a program around.


Watkins Cattle Company retains 2 IVF procedures after her show career if she stays in the US. 

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Sire: Mr WCC Maximus Rojo 82/4
Sire: Mr WCC Maximus Rojo 82/4
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Dam: Ms SS 173
Dam: Ms SS 173
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Maternal Grand Sire: +SRS Redstroke 522
Maternal Grand Sire: +SRS Redstroke 522

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